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Non-Drug Treatment for Migraines



Non-Drug Treatment for Migraines A migraine is much extra than just a severe headache. This neurological disorder can cause debilitating sharp pain that can leave you in bed for days. Movement, lights, sounds, and other triggers can cause symptoms such as pain, fatigue, nausea, blurred vision, numbness and tingling, irritability, slurred speech, temporary loss of vision, and more.

What is a migraine? What does a migraine feel like?

A migraine headache is a common neurological condition that causes various symptoms, particularly a throbbing, throbbing headache on one side of the head. Physical activity, lights, sounds, or smells are likely to make your migraines worse. It can take at least four hours or even days. Approximately 12% of Americans have this genetic disorder. Research shows that it is the sixth-largest disease in the world.

Non-drug treatment for migraines

1. Acupuncture

In this traditional Chinese practice, an expert inserts tiny needles into specific points on your body.

In this traditional Chinese practice, an expert inserts tiny needles into specific points on your body. Small studies suggest that it can relieve migraine pain and also reduce the number of headaches. You should keep up with your other treatments as well.

2. Biofeedback

Your body reacts to pain with physical changes such as a faster heartbeat, muscle tension, and cold hands.

Your body answers pain with physical changes such as a faster heartbeat, tense muscles, and cold hands. With biofeedback, sensors measure these changes and then transmit the information as a flashing light or sound that you can hear. Learn to respond to feedback and reduce your muscles. Some studies show that it can often reduce your headaches and the frequency of migraines.

3. Massage

Although not researched, massage can relieve headaches in some people, as early research shows.

Although it hasn’t been thoroughly studied, massage can relieve headaches in some people, early research shows. It doesn’t help with pain once the migraine starts. Massage can also reduce stress, a common headache trigger.

4. Vitamin and Mineral Supplements

Research suggests that taking riboflavin (vitamin B2) and magnesium may help you have less frequent migraines, although it may not provide headache relief. you have less frequent migraines, although it doesn’t seem to relieve headaches. Coenzyme Q10 may also cause fewer migraines in adults and children, although it generally takes several months for the effects to show.

Formerly you start, talk to your doctor to make sure you are not experiencing any side effects.

5. Relaxation Techniques

Since migraines often caused by stress, relaxation training is a good idea.

Since migraines often caused by stress, relaxation training is a good idea. Approaches include deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation, which involves contracting and relaxing the muscles in different parts of the body. With practice, this technique can improve your stress management, which can reduce headaches.

6. Exercise

Regular cardiovascular exercise (workouts that get your heart pumping) can make a difference.Regular cardio (exercise that gets your heart pumping) could make a variance. A Swedish study compared workouts with relaxation and a drug used to prevent migraines. The cardio routine (40 minutes, three times a week) worked and relaxation or medication to reduce pain and the occurrence of headaches.

7. Spine manipulation

Limited studies have shown that it can be effective in reducing the number of days you experience a migraine, as well as the pain or intensity of a migraine attack.

Spinal manipulation, also called “adjustment” by a chiropractor, can help with migraines. Limited studies have shown that it can be effective in reducing the number of days you experience a migraine, as well as the pain or intensity of a migraine attack. There are some dangers with this treatment, so speak to your doctor before trying.

8. Talking Therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy that focuses on changing your thoughts and actions can help you have fewer migraines. Receiving therapy does not mean that you have emotional or psychological problems. You can cope with situations that are generally giving you a headache. It works especially well when you are doing other preventive treatments as well.

9. Diet variations

Some people find that confident foods trigger their migraines. Some of the most mutual culprits are alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, canned foods, cured or processed meats, cultured dairy products MSG, and aspartame. Write down your mealtimes and snacks in a “diet diary” so you can remember what you ate before the headache occurred. Then cut these foods one at a time to see if they help.

10. Herbal Remedies

the plant can relieve pain, nausea, and sensitivity to light during a migraine and help you get fewer headaches, but the research is mixed. Feverfew can relieve pain, nausea, and sensitivity to light during a migraine and help you have fewer headaches, but the research is mixed. Some studies show that butterbur extract can help prevent migraines. But the plant itself is poisonous, so only use a commercially manufactured product. Talk to your doctor about herbal remedies before trying them.

11. Pressure

Many people find that gentle pressure on the head, face, and neck during a migraine can help relieve pain. Many people find that gentle pressure on the head, face, and neck during a migraine can help relieve pain. Techniques to test: Press the line of the forehead and under the eyes. Rub your temples and jaw in circular motions. A variety of scarves and headbands claim to relieve migraine pain. They are cheap and may be worth a try.

12. Sleep

Studies show that lack of sleep and migraines often go hand in hand. Studies show that insomnia and migraines often go hand in hand. So, reconsider your routine. Things to try:

Don’t read, watch TV, or listen to the song in bed. Don’t take a nap. Do not eat heavy meals a few hours before bedtime. Don’t use your phone, laptop, or tablet before bed.

13. Maintain good habits

Your lifestyle can have a significant impact on how often you have headaches. Your existence can have a big impact on how often you have headaches.

this tips can help:

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